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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Visit with the Overlys

Sunday, mama was stir crazy, so we took Layla to meet her Great Grandma and Grandpa Overly. We stopped and picked up lunch for everyone at the farm and took it out and enjoyed a nice meal. Most of the Fausnaughs were able to attend also, so it was a quick visit but we got to see lots of people. Layla's cousin, Lilly, was excited, and very quick to know the word "baby". It was cute to see her approach, point, say "bebe" and run back to her mom. And, we even got Trey to hold the baby. I think he's a natural!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fire Station Model

When Tim and I went to the fire station to have Layla's carseat installed last month, the fireman who helped us made us promise to bring the seat back full to be able to see baby. He said that he always gets to see the seats empty, but he never gets to see the fruits of his labor. So, one night we knew he was on the clock, we ran down to show off our full car seat. Dave was in heaven and could have rocked the baby all night!

We went on to do a "photo shoot" on the fire engine and with Dave's equipment. I think he is going to try to use some of the photos for his next fire safety brochure. Our baby, a model, at a week old!

*And to all who have not had their car seats inspected, I highly recommend stopping by when you are out our way. Dave is certified and we learned a lot of good stuff from him!

Official Hospital Mug Shots

Here are the official photos that were taken in the hospital. Its amazing how much she has changed already!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So Much Love!

Wow! Visitors really are easier at the hospital! =) We are getting all settled in at home, with mama healing from her c-section, and daddy going back to work. So, we are learning how our routine is going to look, how "home" is going to function. We have been blessed with the offers from all our friends and family, and are taking people up on it as needed to help with the house, adjusting to parent life, helping with the furbabies...etc. We appreciate that everyone "gets it" as we are using this time to get comfortable with our new lives. We are almost ready for visitors - just call and see how things are at home before stopping by.

Here are the photos of people that have visited where we actually remembered to get photos!

Natalie and Alyson - new aunts

The Phillips Family - Kristen, James and Hannah (in 2 trips)
The Tiptons - cousins Jamie, Tom and Alyssa

Todd Phillips and Christina Bennett - proud cousins (and not sure how Christina didn't make the photo reel!)

Grandpa Earl and Gramma Trisch
Great Grandma Barb and Great Grandpa Art
Grandma Diane and Grandpa Chuck

She's Here!

Layla, our little diva, made the decision to arrive a little early. Not enough to worry, but just enough to throw a wrench into our birth plans!

I was scheduled for a c-section on Mon 9/13 to deliver. We chose this route based on some of my own health issues, for my safety, so Tim and I opted not to try any regular delivery.

We had seen no signs of labor, despite hearing several times that I may go early. So, our bags were packed and in our minivan for approx. 3 weeks. Sunday, the night before we were scheduled, we decided to go out for a nice dinner and enjoy our last evening as "singles". My dad and his wife met us out, and I had a nice steak and lobster dinner. When the bill came, I asked Tim to pull the car up to the door b/c I didn't feel like walking all the way to the car. He went outside, and I stood up with my dad....and my water broke. I sat back down and stood up 3 times, and was soaked from waist to knee. And did I mention that we took Tim's car to dinner? So all of our stuff was in the other car. And the dog was still at the house (planned to drop her off the next morning). His parents took care of getting the dog and our bags settled, God love them, and we headed to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, the nurse said I was dialated to 3cm, and completely effaced. But, because I had just eaten a full meal, anesthesia wouldn't touch me. So, I had to labor for almost 6 hours before they were willing to put in my spinal and do my c-section. I wasn't prepared for labor, but seemed to do better than I thought I would. I got to 6 cm and contractions two at a time on top of one another before I finally got my spinal. That was heaven. And I can confirm, not as bad as I expected. I was more nervous about flinching during a contraction and being injured than the actual spinal. They numbed the site first, it felt like 2 bee stings. I didn't feel any of the rest. They had given me something to dull the pain through my IV, and it helped for a little while, but I was so frustrated with having to go through labor that I know I didn't deal too well.

Finally, at 1 AM, my doc got to the hospital, he was just coming on call, and I was excited to know that he would get to deliver the baby. Everything went great in the delivery room, and Tim watched the entire thing. Baby Layla arrived at 1:22 AM, 7 lbs 12.4 oz and 19" of perfection. I know I am biased, but I have never seen something more adorable in my life! She scored 9 and then 10 on the Apgars - our little over-achiever! (Our pediatrician will tell you that only obstetrician's kids get 10s!