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Friday, June 24, 2011


This post is a little late, as are all of them lately. But, work is busy so blogging comes late on the list.  We got to enjoy an afternoon at Young's Dairy Farm with my sister's family and friends while she was in town, and Layla tried ice cream for the first time.  I would say it was a hit!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Great Weekend

What a great weekend! The Burgoons were in town - congrats to Aaron and Grant on their graduations. We had the pleasure of their company, as well as several others, for a nice cookout Saturday afternoon, then we all went to CHEESEFEST! at Young's Dairy today.

We can't wait until next month to go see the Burgoons on their home turf!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

No baby, no

What a month! Layla is crawling.  Any day now, it seems like she will be walking, too. This weekend she started pulling up on everything (time to bolt down all the furniture!) and cruising on the edge of things. Lord help us!

Monday, for Memorial Day, we went to Todd and Christina's for a BBQ. The food was awesome, as was the company.  Layla enjoyed her shared of baked beans, watermelon and potato salad.  There is nothing this kid won't eat!  Well, except refried beans.  That is literally the only thing so far that she hasn't liked. (She eats broccoli with us on a regular basis, and even ate saurkraut - thats the Tomich in her!)

I finally finished Layla's baby blanket from mama - and yes it counts, she IS still a baby! I made it in colors that I think will coordinate with Aunt Stacy's new quilt. We can't wait to see it up close. Its a Dr. Suess quilt that is completely adorable and will go with Layla's room decor.

Hope everyone has a great, short week! Enjoy the heat...its better than the floods!

Congrats Natalie and Derrick!

My newest niece and nephew, Emma Gwendolyn and Grant Joseph, were born Saturday morning. They are both absolutely adorable, and Natalie is doing an amazing job, both healing and mothering. Welcome to the secret club - its the best thing ever. Love you all!

Baby Emma
Baby Grant
 Grant started life in the NICU, he just needs a little time to catch up to his sister. He will be pulling her hair in no time! =)