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Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Newest Geiger

As most of you know, we have been talking for a long time about getting another dog. Now that we are settling in as parents, and Stella isn't getting enough attention, it seems like the right time. So, after many trips to many shelters, and many emails to many rescue groups, we finally picked up a dog today.   Welcome Stanley, the newest member of our household. He is approx. 4-6 months old and should grow to be about 50 lbs. "The kids" get along wonderfully. They played for the first 2-3 hours home, and now they are both sound asleep. Lets hope this keeps up!

Randoms to close the year

I know that I will probably not get around to posting holiday pictures until after the first of the year, so if thats the case, we send you our love and happy holidays. Here are the last of the photos I have of Layla at the moment, so I will be caught up....except that Christmas celebrations start tomorrow! =)

For Layla's 3 month photos, the camera was set to double flash, so we got a lot of bizzare faces. She can hate us for them later =)

Bathtime is one of her favorite times of day - its the only time in the evening where I know for 100% we will get great smiles.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Layla's First Professional Photos

Along with our Christmas photo, we had lots taken of Layla.  Now that the family has received them (mom, yours will be hand delivered for the holidays!) I thought I would post them for everyone else.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Already?

The holidays are sneaking up on us! Since I am back to work, I feel like the days are too long, my evenings are too short, and I need a few more days off to keep up!  I will post more pictures as soon as I have my camera...I left it at the sitter's house.  So yes, there are 2 month pictures. They are just from my cell phone at the moment. And without a sign... but I do have those, too. 

Also, daddy got Layla "singlets" as the kids like to call her onsies, with "C Wrestling" on them so everyone knows who she is there to support.  She's super cute in them, as always!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Holidays!

What an exciting time with a new baby! I have a whole new love for Christmas that I don't think I have had in a long time. The fullness in my heart at the idea of being shut in the house with my family, putting up our tree and seeing Layla stare at the lights for the first time, enjoying wrapping gifts for her, even though she won't understand yet....taking her to see Santa. I can't even describe how complete it makes me feel. Decorating doesn't feel like a chore. I feel whole. And I haven't felt that way before.  And I love it. on.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time with the Fosters

Because I had to go back to work, Layla has been spending two days a week with Aly and her kids. These photos were taken there, of Layla, Maggie and Jake.  They all get along great, no surprise, and Layla seems very happy to he there!

Thursday night, Tim had to host the seeding meeting for his tournament, so Diane came over to watch Layla while we went to the meeting. Gramma and Layla had a great time cuddling! 

With the holidays and me going back to work full time, I have very little free time, so I apologize for not posting more. Know that holiday photos are in and will be delivered to you all in the coming weeks!