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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Crossing State Lines....Twice!

Over the weekend, our family ventured out for our first road trip. We took Layla to PA to meet her great-grandparents. They were very excited, as were we. Even Grandpa Matt - he thinks he is tough, but he was clearly in love!

While we were in town, we got to visit with Vern and Theresa as well. Vern has always treated me as one of his own and Layla is just the same. We are very lucky to have him in our life!
Here, she couldn't stop making googly eyes:

Everyone had a great visit. Layla also slept from 9 PM - 430 AM after all the playing - a new record! Lets hope she can keep this up!

6 weeks come to a close

Happy halloween from the Geigers! Even though there were no costumes this year (though we do have a cute onsie from Aunt Peg, featured in the next post) we knew that we were overdue for photos. So.....

Hanging out in the kitchen watching mom baked 100 loaves of pumpkin bread. They were our family's contribution to the athletic boosters this year - we sold them at the Pumpkin Show.

Stella isn't thrilled yet, but she is adjusting!

Modeling an outfit from Alysannn....

...and one from Todd and Christina - Go Jackets!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thanks to all!

Last ones for the night - a quick thanks to all who have been supplying Layla's I put her in outfits (and more importantly, actually remember to take photos) I was going to put them here. This wardrobe brought to you by....




and the Garcias!

Real Smiles! (And some randoms...)

Its official - Layla adores her cousin Christina! We went to visit and check out she and Todd's new house today (Congrats guys - its awesome!). As we are finding our smiles this week - well, Christina was the first recipient outside the house!

A quick stop at the doggy daycare to visit Carla

Daddy trying to find out if her head would fit....

...Layla fighting right back!

Wedding Photos?

The one girly, sentimental thing I wanted to do with Layla has officially begun. I wanted to take pictures of her with my wedding dress, and then plan to continue to do this for her birthday every year. Each year, she can grow into it a little more. I am a little bummed that I waited until 1 month - I wish I did this as a newborn, but things were hectic here and I forgot. Oh, well. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One Month Today!

One month today, my how time flies! We are starting to smile this week, and I am trying to capture it on film =)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Working hard and sleeping hard

Just a few more randoms to round out the week. I am starting to get more awake time every day, and its fun to get to interact and play together.

However, when naptime comes, she sleeps like a champ!! In the first, she had already been asleep for hours. We had a car ride, a stop at the store (which meant unloading from the carseat and into the sling, then back, b/c I am not supposed to carry the carseat yet), and came home, then more nap. She finally fussed and cried, so I got her bottle ready and picked her up to feed her - this is the face I got. She stayed there for 45 min before she finally woke up for real!

Other Visitors

Gramma Joni and Grampa Kelly came to visit this week, so Layla has officially wrapped two more around that little finger of hers. Its amazing just how many people she can keep there. Huge thanks to Gramma for bringing a pot of her vegetable soup - I sure do miss her cooking, and ate it every day for lunch! (And there was enough to freeze for 2 more meals, so I will get to enjoy it again and again!)

Greta, Tom and Braylin came up for the weekend and we got to squeeze in a quick visit. Even if there are lots of miles between us, we are close at heart and loved getting to see you! Braylin is wonderful with babies, and did great with Layla, calling her "Lola" the entire visit. (However, she is NOT going to be a showgirl, for the record!) I can't wait to have vacation time again next year - we look forward to trying to come for a visit next year!

Almost A Month Old!

A few quick photos to start the week with. I can't believe we are already a month into family life! I cried a little last week when I packed up Layla's newborn clothes and tiny diapers. Its awesome that she is growing well and is healthy, but she seems so big already! When "they" say time flies... its the truth!

We think we got our first smiles this week, though our current camera system (mostly my cell phone because somehow the camera is always out of reach!) is too slow to capture them. I push the button, but by the time the photo is captured, the look has passed. Maybe I know what to ask for this Christmas - a better camera!!
Alert time is lasting a little longer, and she is starting to interact and see us and pay attention. This is going to be fun - getting to know each other!

Monday, October 4, 2010

We Survived Week 2

Just a few closeups from the last few days. We are doing better, now that we are settling into what is going to be our "normal" life. No two days are the same, but there are a few patterns that are immerging, so that helps! =)

We get a little bit of interactive, awake time in the late mornings, then an afternoon nap or two. And, dad gets to play in the evenings with her, though she is still sleeping through most of it. Trying to time trips to the grocery store is still the toughest part, but I hear she will start sleeping for more than 2-3 hours at a time in the coming weeks, so that may get a little better soon, too!